
Wednesday, July 10, 2019

My Journey - First Steps.

After  a 30+ year software developer career I retired last year (2018). To be honest, I was burnt out and disgusted with the current state of software development.  JavaScript seems to be the dominate language these days as there is some new framework popping up almost daily. Too many are buggy and try to make JavaScript do things that it was never intended for. I grew tired of chasing my tail with the current mess of of frameworks. And it just wasn't fun anymore.

So, I have now turned towards my creative side and this blog will journal my artistic journey. I'll talk about my failures as well as my successes. I'll also talk about artists I like and  as well as those who have influenced me.

I'll explore the software and tools I use both digital and analog. I'll talk about different art styles as well as techniques that I am interested in or use in my art. I'll post my goals as well as details on how I'll achieve them. And you will be able to read about my successes as well as my failures.

You will see honest reviews as well as my opinions of the current art scene along with my input on what it is like to make a career change at the age of 63. I'll even document things if all that happens is that I turn into a starving artist.

I'll even show some work in progress as well as my portfolio as I build it.

I'll leave you with my long term goals. My wife and I want to tour around Europe and live there part time after she retires. I want to do this while keeping up a photography and travel blog (or vlog) and at the same time creating an urban sketch diary of our travels.

I also plan to sell some of my work as sketches or reprints and use Patreon to help out with the costs. I'll blog more about how you can help me achieve all this once I get my Patreon account setup and all the details worked out.

Stick around for more of my thoughts.

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