
About Me

I retired last year after a 30+ year career as a software developer. I NE Florida home and I live here with my wife and 4 grown children. I am always looking for new opportunities to grow as I believe that continuous learning is the way to keep your brain sharp. 
After retiring and spending some time relaxing and shedding some stress I found that I have an interest in art. I wish I could say that I have has a lifelong interest in art but I do remember seeing "You too can learn to draw" ads in my comic books as a kid. I sent off for the info packets and sending in my drawing test. But I could not afford the course so nothing changed for me.
Jump ahead some 50 plus years and that art itch is back. Only now I can afford to do something about it and with the advent of the Internet (especially Youtube) I have a lot more options for learning. 
I am finding both digital and analog art interesting as well as fun. The traditionalist in me likes the feel of drawing on paper. The software developer (yes, it is still there though no longer dominant) in me likes the digital aspects. Drawing on a computer or iPad is just so cool and exciting. You will see later how the iPad plays into my plans. be continued...
My Professional Bio

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Italy Trip - Positano

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